Friday, July 26, 2013

Rt. 13 by the Overhead Bridge in Salisbury

Alright. The central part of Rt.13 in Salisbury is just a wreck! From the roads to the outdated commercial buildings and the residences along the highway.

Now we all understand that unfortunately this is a more undesirable part of town. But I'm sure that doesn't mean that all should just turn their backs and let it continue to become more rundown.

The weak economy has contributed to the business owners in that area to slack on maintenance and upkeep on their property. is time for them and the landlords to get some gallons of paint, plant some damn flowers and live greenery and get busy!

A little color and TLC would do wonders for the area. Our buildings are so outdated in that sector that they should just go ahead and clean it up and work on a "retro" look for the area.

We have several great places to eat and spend our money along the depressing looking route, but who wants to stop there when it all looks so dumpy. NOT ME!

We want to hear any good ideas to help the area get motivated to liven the area up.

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